Welcome to robwhizz

On the very rare occasion that I'm not at work, or not looking after my 3 children, then you'll usually find me stood in some field at 4am setting up my camera and waiting for the sunrise.

My photography is still amateur at the moment, I'm still learning the ropes and very much like the fact that I decide what I shoot and not a client.

The manipulation page is home to a few of my favourite images from a few years ago when .net magazine used to run a competition on their forum. An image was posted up by staff and forum members were to manipulate it. Best effort of the week wins a prize. I really can't remember what images I've won with, so I've posted up a few of my favorites.

I hope to expand the site and more photographs when I have the time. Not to mention find my restoration scans.

I started a photoblog last year - blog.robwhizz.co.uk - with idea that I'll push my self to take more photos and come up with more ideas and record and share them whether good or bad. It was working until I started a 365 project, which is now taking up all of my spare time and stopping me updating my blog.
You can find my 365 Project here project365.robwhizz.co.uk

I have also finally succumb to the mighty Flickr. You can find me at flickr.com/robwhizz


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